Saturday, June 25, 2011

Lucky Sperm Club
I've been under a lot of stress as of late because of the amount of work I need to get done.  My tenuous grasp on concepts like time and dates, coupled with my desire to please all of my customers led me to double booking this week with projects.
Shortly after waking from a whiskey saturated, stress laden slumber, I got a call from one of my customers asking to be pushed back a week. Once again, I have this insurmountable feeling that someone is looking out for me. In truth, I've always felt this way. There are too many clear examples in my life of situations that could have gone horribly wrong, but somehow turned out just fine.
In grade school, I remember walking away from friends just before they made decisions that would live with them forever. In high school, I survived hundreds of hours traveling highway speeds on windy, hilly, 35mph roads. In college, I was lucky enough to go out on a limb and connect with some guys who are now my best friends. In grad school, I was lucky enough to be paired with a professor who cared in a program that would push me to pursue something I've always aspired to.
As I look back on my life, I can't help but feel blessed. I'm so unbelievably fortunate that I have the opportunity to pursue these goals, because I've had so many unbelievable people backing me up. I wouldn't have been able to start the business I'm building without the charity of a few generations of grandparents. I got a shit-you-only hear-about-in-movies check for $1,000 from a distant Aunt, and then hundreds more from Aunts and Uncles in graduation money. Pretty good timing for a guy who just lost a $1,500/mo stipend. I don't know anyone else that has been given an opportunity like this.
How often have deadlines been extended, opportunities arisen, solutions been presented, crises averted? How often have I looked failure in the eye, only to come out unscathed on the other side?
So, am I just part of the Lucky Sperm Club- the guy that gets all the breaks? Or is there someone out there working overtime to help bail me out of all my stupid decisions, and make sure that I've got a life to be envious of? How lucky am I.
Whatever the case, I'm just so thankful. And I really really hope I deserve it all.

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